Cutest Blog

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Twilight Alternate Ending

This is a video about how Twilight should have ended. It's hilarious, and even though I love the books after Twilight, the person who made this video does have a point. Bella wouldn't be complaining 24/7 about her situation in life.


Okay I just felt like putting this up because it looks really awesome! If you go onto Google and type in Apples into the images search bar you can see even more! Man, this is awesome!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Things Coming Up!

YAY!!! New things are happening and their coming fast! Here's a list of all of them just for you!

New! Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff: This is the second Sims 3 stuff pack! Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff comes out TOMORROW!!! YAY!!!!!!!! In this stuff pack it has many more cars for your Sims to drive! The cars your Sims can buy could be fancy, old, new, modern, classic, and much more! If you're a racing fan, you would love this pack, and if you are a Sims fan that loves racing, well you just hit the jackpot! So, Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff come out September 7th, 2010!!

iCarly! iSam's Mom: Sam's mom, played by Jane Lynch from the new series Glee, and Sam have a battle on iCarly!! Over what!? Who know's! But, FINALLY, you get to meet Sam's crazy insane psycho mom! Hooray!! This new iCarly is next Saturday at 8pm on Nick! So, tune in to it!

New! Another Sims Game!: Sims 3 Late Night Expansion pack (see video above) is going to come out on October 26th, 2010!! And inside this expansion pack, you can make your Sims a famous celebrity, or a bad one who used to be as popular as god! There will be some new things you can do too! Your Sims can now turn into Vampires, and have more fancy clubier furniture, and HOT TUBS!!!!!!! YES!! Finally your Sims get hot tubs! Woohoo!!!!! Wait, a second, I totally did not mean it in the way you Sims fans are thinking when I said Woohoo! Wow, I need to take a break from Sims if I thought of it that way.........or not! HAHAHAHA! Go buy the new Sims 3 version of Sims 2 Nightlife, but it's better because now, it is Sims 3 Late Night!! YEAH!!!

New! World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is coming out at the end of this year! Blizzard has already announced that you can now reserve your copy of the Cataclysm Collector's Edition. Although it's very expensive, it has many good things about it, although I do not think that I will be buying it.

That's all everyone! Hope you enjoy the new things coming out! I know that I will! Thanks for reading my blog!